Tag Archives: dieting

My Gift His Birthday

Before my husband (finally) accepted his call to ministry, his background was in broadcasting. Things like marketing, knowing your audience, catchy phrases and slogans still stick with him at times. One in particular is 43×43.

Karl set a goal of losing 43 pounds by his 43rd birthday, today. He made this goal back in January and the catchy 43×43 became his hashtag on Twitter and a constant reminder of what he was working toward. I’m more than proud and thrilled to say – he met and slightly surpassed his goal! Hallelujah!!

Happy birthday to him, but a gift for me. I’ve been concerned for some time regarding my husband’s health, for a variety of reasons. I’ve spoken with him about my concerns and spent many hours in prayer over it. He’s tried several things, but the 43×43 finally worked! Intermittent fasting, counting calories, God’s guidance and a bigger dose of fresh fruits and veggies were all a part of this success. For me, it is an answer to prayer. I know my husband is healthier and more physically active now and that gives me security.

As a wife and mother, I want my husband around for as long as possible. I have no desires to be a widow with three children. So Karl taking his healthy more seriously and losing the weight – that is truly a gift to me. It says he is committed to doing his part to be around as long as possible for his family. My gift, his birthday. I am blessed and so grateful. Praise the Lord!

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Filed under Health & Wellness, Healthy Lifestyle